before going through the tips, let’s first know the major reasons why a
manuscript gets rejected. This will help you avoid such mistakes resulting in
increased chances of paper acceptance.
your manuscript is rejected?
Poor title and abstract: Title and abstract are written after the rest
of the paper writing work is completed. They in fact, make the first impression
and sometimes the only thing, which is read, in an entire paper. A poor title
or the abstract can lead to rejection straight away without even going through
the rest of the work.
Fails to fall within the aim and scope of journal: Every
journal has a very clear aim and scopementioned on their website. It is very
essential that you carefully go through it and select the journal that fits
best with your research. Remember, the decision on whether to submit your paper
in Biofuelsor Journal of hydrogen energy can be tricky at times (saving you or
costing you months of your precious time).
Poor research, methodology or conclusions: These are the technical
reasons for any manuscript’s rejection and may require you to repeat your
experiments with improved methodology, better analytics and well-drawn
conclusions. A professional reviewer can guide you through this, making sure
your paper is not rejected.
Poor language and writing style: Academic writing style is formal, involves a
third person’s perspective, is always neutral and unbiased. When it comes to
language, an unambiguous choice of words, clear and comprehensible sentences
and well-structured paragraphs play a very important role for a manuscript’s
acceptance. Even, the use of punctuations is very deliberate when it comes to
academic writing and frequent errors can lead to rejection.
Plagiarism: When
you don’t enjoy writing much, you tend to gather information from web which can
be easily caught by various advanced plagiarism software (even when you
rearrange the sentences). This becomes one of the many common reasons of a
paper’s rejection.
Tips to get published in a good Journal
that we know what are some very common mistakes that lead to a manuscript’s
rejection, we’ll learn how to avoid these mistakes and learn some tips to
publish in a good journal.
Interesting title: Finalize the title only after the research
work is complete, although you must have a working title while you work to keep
you from distracting from the purpose of research. A good title has following
Draws the attention towards the research problem.
Should predict the content of the paper
Should include important keywords
Grabs reader’s attention through positive words.
Not more than 10-15 words
a practice, you can try writing different titles and compare them with the
above-mentioned characteristics. The title that follows maximum pointers can be
Perfect abstract: An abstract should summarize your work within
150-200 words and should follow a proper structure. Have a look at the examples of the
best and worst abstracts for any research paper
Select the right Journal: Do an online research to find a list of
journals specific to your research area. You must also have an understanding on
the quality and uniqueness of your research and decide on a range of impact
factor apt for your work. Once the journals falling under these criteria are
shortlisted, go through the aims and scope of each and decide which is the best
fit for your research.Read our article on How to select the right journal to
learn more.
Proper structure and style: Decide under which writing styleyour paper falls-
Analytical, persuasive, experimental, survey or a report. Only after this can
you decide the proper structuring of your paper. For formatting guidelines
follow the style guides such as APA, MLA, CMS, etc. You must follow a specific
style guide depending on your area of research. You can also refer to your
journal’s submission guidelines to format your paper.
Proper citations and referencing: Never use too many of very old citations.
This might give an impression that you are not well updated. When formatting
the references follow your specific style guides. Cross-check all the citations
and references. If it’s too much work for you, you can always hire
professionals who will check the relevance of references in your paper along
with other editorial services.
Hire a scientific reviewer: Some of the technical problems with your
research paper such as poor evidence, incomplete research, poor methodology and
conclusions can go amiss while compiling your work into a paper. This requires
a careful analysis by an expert. It is thus advised to hire a professional
reviewer to help you with the weak links of your paper before you submit it to
a journal.
Language Editing and proofreading: Poor language being a very common reason of
manuscript rejection requires an expert to do the work for you. Although you
can look for grammatical and spelling errors by yourself, a subject matter
expert well experienced with handling academic documents will know how to
structure, improve the tone, use proper words and phrases and format the
document to make it publication ready.
Compelling cover letter: A cover letter that fails to grab an editor’s
interest will most likely result in the rejection of manuscript. It is an
essential part of the publication process and must convey very clearly the
purpose and significance of your study. An expert editing service provider can
provide you with cover letter writing assistance.
Be ready for reviewers’ queries: Be patient and be ready for the reviewer’s
queries after you have submitted your paper. They may ask you to simply
language edit and proofread your document or might even ask you to repeat or
conduct certain experiments. If you hire a scientific reviewer you might
prepare yourself well before the final submission and save yourself a lot of
time or even the despair of rejection.
any queries related to academic writing, you may contact us over our email:
By Thesis Doctor
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